Monday, July 23, 2012


AM | @HDI1780

The Histoire des deux Indes blog is taking an extended summer break. I really need to focus on two upcoming summer courses at European University in Barcelona. We will be back in early September. There is still plenty of material waiting to be posted on Raynal and Adam Smith, Raynal and John Adams, and on topics such as trade, innovation, leadership — all important ingredients of Histoire des deux Indes. And we will perform many more Digital Humanities 'exercises' [see].

I've just checked some blog statistics; here's a brief list of the most popular posts: Did James Madison read Histoire des deux Indes?; Gonzalo Pontón & la Historia de las dos Indias; Raynal, lecteur de François Bernier; Les Lumières Radicales au Río de la Plata!; The Declaration of Independence: Raynal & Jefferson. I'll try to keep the twitter account alive. Finally, I take the opportunity of this announcement to launch a call for ... posts!

If you have an idea, a reference or a piece of information that you would like to publish here, please write to me at agustin_mackinlay[at] I would be glad to post anything on Histoire des deux Indes, Raynal, Diderot, Radical Enlightenment, etc.

See you in September,

Agustin Mackinlay

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